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The legendary Ohio Bigfoot

Probably one of the most Famous Unexplained in Ohio is 

Bigfoot. Sasquatch. Yeti. Ohio Grassman. Whatever you choose to call it, it really is all the same creature. Very big, hairy and tall, averaging 6 to 8 feet tall. With foot prints averaging from 13 to 17 inches long. It has been rumored to live in Ohio since the mid-1700's.

 It has also been rumored to live in Ohio's largest State Park. Salt Fork. Over 36 reported sightings have been reported to Don Keating of Newcomerstown since the middle 1980's. With the huge amount of alleged 'evidence' coming from Salt Fork's borders, Keating decided to host the "Annual Bigfoot Conference" at Salt Fork starting in 2005.

 So keep a keen eye open to the wood lines of Salt Fork State Park the next time you visit this wonderful State Treasure. It may be something other than a big buck you see standing along the wood line, it may be a Bigfoot!


If You have any stories on the big man be sure and let us know!!


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