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Palmer Road & Cry Baby Bridge

Palmer Road & Crybaby Bridge

Palmer Road has alot of spooky things to it for one if you go out after dark it just plain spooky!! It is said a ghost hearse will chase you down Palmer Road. There is also a small family cemetery just off the road in a field called Palmer Cemetery that is said the one of the tomb stones will grow green on certain nights. if you travel just past the cemetery to a bridge it is called cry baby bridge (I think every town in every state has a "Cry Baby Bridge" LOL) anyway there are several legend that pertain to this crybaby bridge on Palmer Road. One states a man threw his baby over the bridge and killed his wife. Another states the man killed both his wife and his baby before committing suicide by hanging himself from a tree at the bottom of the bridge. Yet another version says the family was under the bridge when the devil himself showed up, killed them, and took them to hell. It is said that if you stop your car on the bridge, turn off the engine and lights, and roll down all the windows, you will hear the cries of a baby. After a few minutes a ghost will appear and move through the hood of your car. When you attempt to start your car, it will not start until it is pushed from the bridge.

 Multiple EVP's have been recorded at the bridge.

Talk about so much horror on one road!

If you have anything to add feel free to contact us.

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