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Palmers Cemetery

Palmer Cemetery

is a small family cemetery on Palmer Road, west of Mendon Ohio. The cemetery is in the middle of a field, about 200 yards from the road. A old cement arch by the road marks the location of a grassy lane that leads to the burying ground. It is said that two cement lions with green glass eyes once flanked the arch and that the green eyes spooked passing horses. A broken portion of a lion’s claw is all that remains of those statues.


A old stone wall surrounds the family's plot back in the field. 


One of the tombstones supposedly glows in the dark and is visible from the road. It is said if you drive by slowly in the light of the full moon you may just see the glow of the tombstone. 

If you have any stories of this place please do let us know. I am intrested in this place!!

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